

BaseCabinetAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A base kitchen cabinet.

BinAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A storage bin asset (rectangular bottom and four rectangular sides).

BowlAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A bowl.

CNCMachineAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A simple asset looking like an industrial CNC machine, useful for industrial manipulation tasks.

CabinetAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A cabinet.

CabinetDoorAsset(*args, **kwargs)

Procedural cabinet door asset based on revolving a B-Spline around its y-axis to create molding.

CageAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A cage asset inspired by the MotionBenchMaker paper, Fig.

CubbyShelfAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A shelf composed of individual cubbies.

DishwasherAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A dishwasher.

GlassAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A glass.

HandWheelAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A procedural handwheel asset as it is used to close and open valves.

HandleAsset(*args, **kwargs)

Procedural handle asset.

KitchenIslandAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A kitchen island consisting of cabinets, drawers and open shelves below a countertop.

KnobAsset(*args, **kwargs)

Procedural knob asset based on revolving a B-Spline around its x-axis.

LeverSwitchAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A lever switch with a revolute joint.

MicrowaveAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A microwave oven asset.

MugAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A mug.

OpenBoxAsset(*args, **kwargs)

An open box asset inspired by the MotionBenchMaker paper, Fig.

PlateAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A plate.

RangeAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A range asset.

RangeHoodAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A range hood / extractor hood / kitchen hood asset.

RecursivelyPartitionedCabinetAsset(*args, ...)

Procedural cabinet generator based on recursive splitting of compartments.

RefrigeratorAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A refrigerator asset with an optional freezer compartment, procedural handle, and beveled door edges.

SafetySwitchAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A safety switch attached to a fuse box.

ShelfAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A shelf asset consisting of an optional back board, N equally spaced shelf boards, and side posts or boards.

SinkCabinetAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A cabinet with two doors and a sink on top.

TableAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A table asset consisting of four legs and one surface.

TableWithBarsAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A table with four vertical bars in front of it inspired by the MotionBenchMaker, Fig.

WallCabinetAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A wall cabinet.