

Asset(*args, **kwargs)

The asset base class.

BoxAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A box primitive.

BoxMeshAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A triangular mesh in the shape of a box.

BoxWithHoleAsset(*args, **kwargs)

An asset representing a box with a hole.

CQAsset(*args, **kwargs)

An asset based on a CadQuery object.

CapsuleAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A capsule primitive.

CylinderAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A cylinder primitive.

MJCFAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A file-based asset, loaded from a MJCF file.

MeshAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A MeshAsset is a loadable file that describes geometry/ies and make up scenes.

OpenSCADAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A file-based asset, loaded from a OpenSCAD file.

PlaneAsset(*args, **kwargs)

An asset representing a plane.

SphereAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A sphere primitive.

TrimeshAsset(*args, **kwargs)

An asset based on a trimesh.Trimesh

TrimeshSceneAsset(*args, **kwargs)

An asset based on a trimesh.Scene

URDFAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A file-based asset, loaded from a URDF file.

USDAsset(*args, **kwargs)

A file-based asset, loaded from a USD file.


compute_stable_poses(mesh[, center_mass, ...])

Computes stable orientations of a mesh and their quasi-static probabilities.


Begin processing events, scheduled functions and window updates.