
Many procedural assets in scene_synthesizer are articulated, i.e., they contain revolute or prismatic joints that connect links. File-based assets such as URDF, MJCF, or USDs also are able to represent articulations.

There are a number of methods that can give information about joints in the scene or set their properties:

from scene_synthesizer import procedural_scenes as ps

kitchen = ps.kitchen_island()

# True

# Notice that this only returns the joints
# that are not fixed or floating joints
# To include them, use the argument
# include_fixed_floating_joints=True
# Note, that joint names are also - like
# geometries - namespaced. The prefix indicates
# which object the joint belongs to.
# ['base_cabinet/corpus_to_door_0_1',
#  'base_cabinet/corpus_to_door_1_1',
#  'base_cabinet/corpus_to_door_2_1',
#  'base_cabinet/corpus_to_drawer_0_0',
#  'dishwasher/corpus_to_door_0_1',
#  'kitchen_island/corpus_to_door_0_1',
#  'kitchen_island/corpus_to_door_1_1',
#  'kitchen_island/corpus_to_drawer_0_0',
#  'kitchen_island/corpus_to_drawer_1_0',
#  'range/corpus_to_door_0_1',
#  'range/corpus_to_drawer_0_2',
#  'refrigerator/door_joint',
#  'refrigerator/freezer_door_joint',
#  'sink_cabinet/corpus_to_door_0_1',
#  'sink_cabinet/corpus_to_door_1_1',
#  'wall_cabinet/corpus_to_door_0_0',
#  'wall_cabinet/corpus_to_door_1_0',
#  'wall_cabinet_0/corpus_to_door_0_0',
#  'wall_cabinet_0/corpus_to_door_1_0',
#  'wall_cabinet_1/corpus_to_door_0_0',
#  'wall_cabinet_1/corpus_to_door_1_0',
#  'wall_cabinet_2/corpus_to_door_0_0',
#  'wall_cabinet_3/corpus_to_door_0_0']

# Draws a scene graph in which edges are colored
# according to the type of joint constraint (see below)
# Returns a dict where the key is the name of the joint
# and the value is another dictionary with various
# properties such as the current configuration value,
# type of joint, joint limits, and axis.
# {'refrigerator/door_joint':
#    {'name': 'refrigerator/door_joint',
#     'type': 'revolute',
#     'q': 0.0,
#     'axis': [-0.0, -0.0, -1.0],
#     'origin': [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.42765515409850885],
#                [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.32041050696103557],
#                [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
#                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
#     'limit_velocity': 100.0,
#     'limit_effort': 100.0,
#     'limit_lower': 0,
#     'limit_upper': 3.141592653589793}}

# Get the current configuration of the scene
# which is a concatenation of the individual
# object's configurations. It's also possible
# to query specific joints or objects.
# array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
# 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
# 0., 0.])

# Get the joint limits of all joints
# in the scene, i.e. a DOF x 2 matrix.
# array([[0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 0.61394479],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 0.2754    ],
#        [0.        , 0.2754    ],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 0.61394479],
#        [0.        , 3.14159265],
#        [0.        , 3.14159265],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633],
#        [0.        , 1.57079633]])

# Randomize all joint configurations within their limits

Note, that the method random_configurations() does not check for collisions. In this example it can be seen that some open doors intersect with each other. To circumvent this problem, one can simply sample until a collision-free configuration is found:

# set all joints back to their home configurations

# iterate through all joints of the scene individually
for j in kitchen.get_joint_names():
    # retrieve the joint's limits
    limits = kitchen.get_joint_limits(joint_ids=[j])[0]

    # sample a new joint configuratino until collision-free
    while True:
            configuration=[np.random.uniform(low=limits[0], high=limits[1])]
        if not kitchen.in_collision(

Another important distinction to understand is the difference between a ‘fixed’, ‘floating’, and no joint. They mostly matter when exporting the scene and using it in a physics simulation. A ‘floating’ joint will create a dynamic rigid body (of the subtree in the scene graph), whereas no joint results in a static rigid object with infinite mass/inertia. An articulated object needs to be connected either with a ‘fixed’ or ‘floating’ joint, depending on whether one wants to simulate an articulation with a fixed or floating base.