
A Scene object can be exported to several file formats for use in rendereres, physics simulators etc. The export(<filename>) method will chose the appropriate exporter based on the filename extension:

from scene_synthesizer import procedural_scenes as ps

kitchen = ps.kitchen_island()

Alternatively, the method can also return the raw data in the desired format (instead of writing the data to disk). To do so, only pass file_type='<obj,usd,urdf,...>' as the desired export format.

Scene.export(fname=None, file_type=None, **kwargs)

Export scene as either: glb, gltf, obj, stl, ply, dict, json, urdf, usd, or usda.

  • fname (str, optional) – Filename. If None, data is returned instead of written to disk. Defaults to None.

  • file_type (str, optional) – File format. If file_type is None, the type is deducted from the filename. If fname is None, file_type needs to be specified.

  • **kwargs (optional) – The export is highly configurable, each format has different parameters and flags. For details, see the format-specific docstrings in exchange.export_*.


If fname is None, data will be returned in the specified file_type.

Return type:

str or bytes or dict (optional)

Note, that there are a lot of format-specific arguments that affect the exported result. The easiest way to see them is to look up the docstring of the format-specific export function in the export module. In the following we show most of them.

Polygon Mesh

The scene object can be exported to the following common mesh representations: GLTF, GLB, OBJ, STL, PLY, etc. Note that this does not preserve articulations.

scene_synthesizer.exchange.export.export_obj(scene, concatenate=True, **kwargs)

Export a scene as a Wavefront OBJ file.

This uses trimesh.exchange.obj.export_obj

  • scene (scene_synthesizer.Scene) – Scene to be exported.

  • concatenate (bool, optional) – Whether to concatenate all meshes into a single one. Note, that currently trimesh can’t export textured scenes. Defaults to True.

  • **include_normals (bool) – Include vertex normals in export. If None will only be included if vertex normals are in cache.

  • **include_color (bool) – Include vertex color in export

  • **include_texture (bool) – Include vt texture in file text

  • **return_texture (bool) – If True, return a dict with texture files

  • **write_texture (bool) – If True and a writable resolver is passed write the referenced texture files with resolver

  • **resolver (None or trimesh.resolvers.Resolver) – Resolver which can write referenced text objects

  • **digits (int) – Number of digits to include for floating point

  • **mtl_name (None or str) – If passed, the file name of the MTL file.

  • **header (str or None) – Header string for top of file or None for no header.


OBJ format output dict: Contains texture files that need to be saved in the same directory as the exported mesh: {file name : bytes}

Return type:


scene_synthesizer.exchange.export.export_glb(scene, **kwargs)

Export a scene as a binary GLTF (GLB 2.0) file.

This uses trimesh.exchange.gltf.export_glb

  • scene (scene_synthesizer.Scene) – Scene to be exported.

  • **extras (JSON serializable) – Will be stored in the extras field.

  • **include_normals (bool) – Whether to include vertex normals in output file. Defaults to None.

  • **unitize_normals (bool) – Whether to unitize normals. Defaults to False.

  • **tree_postprocessor (func) – Custom function to (in-place) post-process the tree before exporting.

  • **buffer_postprocessor (func) – Custom function to (in-place) post-process the buffer before exporting.


Exported result in GLB 2.0

Return type:


scene_synthesizer.exchange.export.export_gltf(scene, **kwargs)

Export a scene object as a GLTF directory.

This puts each mesh into a separate file (i.e. a buffer) as opposed to one larger file.

This uses trimesh.exchange.gltf.export_gltf

  • scene (scene_synthesizer.Scene) – Scene to be exported.

  • **include_normals (bool) – Whether to include vertex normals. Defaults to None.

  • **merge_buffers (bool) – Whether to merge buffers into one blob. Defaults to False.

  • **resolver (trimesh.resolvers.Resolver) – If passed will use to write each file.

  • **tree_postprocesser (None or callable) – Run this on the header tree before exiting. Defaults to None.

  • **embed_buffers (bool) – Embed the buffer into JSON file as a base64 string in the URI. Defaults to False.


Format: {file name : file data}

Return type:


scene_synthesizer.exchange.export.export_stl(scene, ascii=False)

Export a scene as a binary or ASCII STL file.

This uses trimesh.exchange.stl.export_stl

  • scene (scene_synthesizer.Scene) – Scene to be exported.

  • ascii (bool, optional) – Binary or ASCII encoding. Defaults to False.


Scene mesh represented in binary or ASCII STL form.

Return type:

str or bytes

scene_synthesizer.exchange.export.export_ply(scene, **kwargs)

Export a scene in the PLY format.

This uses trimesh.exchange.ply.export_ply

  • scene (scene_synthesizer.Scene) – Scene to be exported.

  • **encoding (str) – PLY encoding: ‘ascii’ or ‘binary_little_endian’. Defaults to ‘binary’.

  • **vertex_normal (bool or None) – None or include vertex normals. Defaults to None.

  • **include_attributes (bool) – Defaults to True.


Scene mesh represented in binary or ASCII PLY form.

Return type:

str or bytes


OBJ loaded in Blender.


Sometimes the scene data is required in a more parsable format. The JSON export serializes the scene into a dictionary containing the scene graph and geometry information.

scene_synthesizer.exchange.export.export_json(scene, use_base64=False, include_metadata=True)

Export a scene to a JSON string.

Note, the resulting JSON file can be loaded again via scene_synthesizer.Scene.load().

  • scene (scene_synthesizer.Scene) – Scene to be exported.

  • use_base64 (bool, optional) – Encode arrays with base64 or not. Defaults to False.

  • include_metadata (bool, optional) – Whether to include scene metadata. Defaults to True.


Scene as JSON string.

Return type:



The URDF format is a popular XML specification in robotics.

scene_synthesizer.exchange.export.export_urdf(scene, fname, folder=None, mesh_dir=None, use_absolute_mesh_paths=False, include_camera_node=False, include_light_nodes=False, separate_assets=False, write_mesh_files=False, write_mesh_file_type='obj', single_geometry_per_link=False, mesh_path_prefix=None, ignore_layers=None)

Export scene to one/multiple URDF files or return URDF data as string(s).

  • scene (scene_synthesizer.Scene) – Scene description.

  • fname (str) – URDF filename or None. If None, the URDF data is returned as one or multiple strings.

  • folder (str, optional) – Only used if fname is None. The folder in which to export the URDF. Affects the location of textures. Defaults to None.

  • mesh_dir (str, optional) – Mesh directory to write polygon meshes to. Defaults to the directory part of fname or folder if fname is None.

  • use_absolute_mesh_paths (bool, optional) – If set to True will convert all mesh paths to absolute ones. Defaults to False.

  • mesh_path_prefix (str, optional) – Can be used to set file name prefix for meshes to “file://” or “package://”. Defaults to “”.

  • write_mesh_files (bool, optional) – If False, mesh file names in the URDF will point to the asset source files. If True, the meshes will be written to the URDF mesh directory. Defaults to True.

  • write_mesh_file_type (str, optional) – File type that will be used if write_mesh_files is True. Defaults to “obj”.

  • separate_assets (bool, optional) – If True, each asset in the scene will be exported to a separate URDF file, named according to its object identifier. Note: The scene itself will not be exported; each asset’s transformation will not be preserved. Defaults to False.

  • include_camera_node (bool, optional) – Whether to include a link for the camera node. Defaults to False.

  • include_light_nodes (bool, optional) – Whether to include a link for the light nodes. Defaults to False.

  • single_geometry_per_link (bool, optional) – If True will add only one visual/collision geometry per link. This creates a lot of links and fixed joints. Defaults to False.

  • ignore_layers (bool, optional) – If True will add all geometries as visual and collision geometries. If None, will it will be (num_layers < 2). Defaults to None.


ValueError – Raise an exception if mesh_dir is not absolute but use_absolute_mesh_paths=True.


If fname is None, will return the URDF data as a string. dict[str, str] (optional): If fname=None and separate_assets=True will return the additional assets as URDF strings in a dictionary.

Return type:

str (optional)

To create a URDF file that is viewable in ROS RViz, use the following arguments:

from scene_synthesizer import procedural_scenes as ps

kitchen = ps.kitchen_island().colorize()

And load it in RViz as follows. Make sure to set Global Options -> Fixed Frame to the base frame of the scene, here world.

roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=/tmp/kitchen/kitchen.urdf

URDF loaded in RViz.


The Universal Scene Description (USD) is a versatile file format widely used in rendering and simulation applications. For example, a USD file can be utilized in platforms like Isaac Sim or Isaac Lab. Additionally, the file can be inspected using the usdview tool.

scene_synthesizer.exchange.export.export_usd(scene, fname, file_type='usd', folder=None, texture_dir='textures', export_materials=True, separate_assets=False, use_absolute_usd_paths=False, write_usd_object_files=True, include_light_nodes=False, ignore_layers=None, up_axis='Z', meters_per_unit=1.0, kilograms_per_unit=1.0, write_attribute_attached_state=False)

Export scene to USD file or return USD data.

  • scene (scene_synthesizer.Scene) – Scene description.

  • fname (str) – The USD filename or None. If None the USD stage is returned.

  • file_type (str, optional) – Either ‘usd’, ‘usda’, or ‘usdc’. Defaults to ‘usd’.

  • folder (str, optional) – Only used if fname is None. The folder in which to export the USD(s). Affects the location of textures. Defaults to None.

  • texture_dir (str, optional) – Directory where texture files will be written (relative to USD main file). Defaults to “textures”.

  • export_materials (bool, optional) – Whether to write out texture files. Defaults to True.

  • separate_assets (bool, optional) – If True, each asset in the scene will be exported to a separate USD file, named according to its object identifier. Defaults to False.

  • use_absolute_usd_paths (bool, optional) – If set to True will convert all referenced USD paths to absolute ones. Defaults to False.

  • write_usd_object_files (bool, optional) – Write USD files instead of referencing existing ones. Defaults to True.

  • include_light_nodes (bool, optional) – Whether to include a link for the light nodes. Defaults to False.

  • ignore_layers (bool, optional) – Whether to ignore scene layers. If None, scenes with one layer or less will ignore the layers. Defaults to None.

  • up_axis (str, optional) – Either ‘Y’ or ‘Z’. Defaults to “Z”.

  • meters_per_unit (float, optional) – Meters per unit. Defaults to 1.0.

  • kilograms_per_unit (float, optional) – Kilograms per unit. Defaults to 1.0.

  • write_attribute_attached_state (bool, optional) – Will write attribute ‘AttachedState’ for objects whose parent is not the world. Defaults to False.


If fname is None, will return the USD stage (created in memory). dict[str, Usd.Stage] (optional): If fname=None and separate_assets=True will return the additional assets as USD stages in a dictionary.

Return type:

Usd.Stage (optional)


USD loaded in Isaac Sim.